People Pictures is Stewart Carter and Cath South. Working primarily as a two-person team, we write, direct, produce and edit. Our approach is responsive and empathetic. We look to tell stories from the inside, learning everything we can about the stories we tell. We make films as a part of our lives, not something separate. Our work is about building relationships and creating films that convey that insight to the audience.


Milpirri: Winds of Change is our most recent film. Produced in association with PAW Media and Communications.

Milpirri: Winds of Change

“Our libraries exist within the country.
They are embedded in our land archives,
and in our people.” Wanta Jampijinpa Patrick

Read more about Milpirri here…

People Pictures 11 Fryers Forest, Fryerstown Victoria Australia 3451 | phone: 03 5473 4105 | email: